“Likely the best electric car in the world!”

The QUANTiNO twentyfive embodies the pinnacle of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc’s automotive R&D, showcasing both the innovative strength of nanoFlowcell as a research enterprise and the advancement of electric vehicle technology. QUANTiNO twentyfive offers a vision of future electric mobility that is environmentally sustainable, powerful, and highly efficient.
Mr. La Vecchia, at first glance, you might think that the QUANTiNO 48VOLT and the QUANTiNO twentyfive are twins?!
However, look again and you will realise that we have reengineered the QUANTiNO twentyfive from the ground up. I’m talking about more than just the removable roadster roof. The car integrates 25 years of innovation research together with experience gained from seven years of continuous performance improvement and over 500,000 test kilometres with the QUANTiNO 48VOLT.
The key changes in the QUANTiNO twentyfive compared to the QUANTiNO 48VOLT are the more powerful all-wheel drive based around four 60 kW low-voltage motors, more efficient power electronics, an improved nanoFlowcell® with the electrolytic capacitor together with a series-ready design (exterior and interior). The QUANTiNO twentyfive is our new standard. There is nothing about the vehicle that I could do differently and, therefore, better.
You once said that anyone can build electric cars but only nanoFlowcell Holdings can build a QUANTiNO twentyfive?
I stand by that more than ever. The QUANTiNO twentyfive is a unique vehicle from the ground up, entirely without any electric mobility ‘me-too’. The QUANTiNO twentyfive drive system does not include any carry-over parts, simply because there were absolutely none that we could use. Other manufacturers typically utilise existing electric vehicle kits and battery models available in the industry. However, we had to develop not only the bi-ION® fuel but also every single screw for our nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT E-Drive ourselves.
This began with the flow cell and included the low-voltage electric motors and their power electronics. As a result, we also had to harmonise and calibrate all of these components individually. Why did we do all this? We are not looking to simply build another electric car. We want to create a true alternative that clearly distinguishes the QUANTiNO twentyfive from the existing electric car concepts on the market.
What is so important to you that you say the QUANTiNO twentyfive has to be different from other electric cars? Are there any significant differences among electric vehicles apart from the design?
The popularity of electric vehicles this consistently on the rise, as is their market share. New manufacturers are entering the market while established car manufacturers are investing heavily in their own electric vehicle portfolio. The entire automotive industry is in the middle of a transformation yet has no idea where this transformation is headed. That is why I am not surprised that many manufacturers are not pursuing a clear course in this situation and that everything looks the same, apart from the design.
To date, all EV concepts have failed to fulfil the triad consisting of environmental compatibility, day-to-day practicality (in terms of range and comfort) and inherent safety. We are the only manufacturer to have achieved this without disharmony thanks to the nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT E-Drive in the QUANTiNO and QUANT. This is precisely because we decided more than 10 years ago to pursue our own path of independent development rather than follow the mainstream.
This is why there is nothing else like the QUANTiNO twentyfive on the market. It can continuously deliver its power in line with the expectations placed on a sports car, can be conveniently refuelled at a petrol pump, runs using touch-safe low-voltage technology and is capable of purely electric ranges of up to 2,000 kilometres! QUANTiNO twentyfive is uncompromisingly clean technology and 100% environmentally compatible. That’s because QUANTiNO twentyfive is the first electric car to run fully electrically without a battery! For me, these definitely represent the relevant unique selling points.
Why did nanoFlowcell Holdings succeed with this, rather than an established vehicle manufacturer?
I can only speak for us. Even with our 25 year history, we are still a comparatively young R&D company. This means that we do not share the usual legacy of tradition or liabilities. We think outside of the box and there is no one telling us not to. We were able to develop our idea of a perfect electric vehicle with no limitations and without having to consider an existing model range. This is virtually impossible for an established manufacturer. As a research and development company, our aim was not to improve what already exists but rather to create something completely new. Our approach is not driven by market opportunities and sales figures. We follow the principle of “form follows function” and do not limit ourselves to design features when developing our electric vehicles. Instead, we transform their technical DNA itself.
Yes, we were ridiculed when we used a flow cell for propulsion energy and then in combination with low-voltage motor technology. Neither of these existed in the world of electric vehicle production, let alone in any industrial assembly kits. And the conservative mentality thinks that the impossible cannot be done. We ignored the criticism and constantly learned new things as we developed our QUANT and QUANTiNO vehicles. With the QUANTiNO twentyfive, we are taking the good aspects of the QUANTiNO 48VOLT, improving on them and developing the perfect electric car. Without compromising the inherent vehicle safety, everyday practicality, performance and most definitely not the range.
How does building an electric car match the profile of a research and development company specialising in energy technologies? Was building electric vehicles part of nanoFlowcell Holdings' original mission?
Initially, we had different ideas for launching our nanoFlowcell® flow cell technology. However, we advanced the development of our technologies faster than we had originally planned: We constructed a digital in-house laboratory with advanced computer technology that has enabled us to develop applications for our nanoFlowcell® technology with incredible speed. One of the reasons why we are ahead of many of the major companies is most likely because we decided very early on to heavily invest our resources in developing our own R&D software and proprietary AI processes.
At the time, we decided that it would make more sense from a business perspective to unveil the technology with a tangible application capable of demonstrating the performance of our technology. This gave rise to the idea of an electric vehicle powered by a nanoFlowcell®. Developing the first QUANT provided a major stimulus for further, innovative vehicle technologies: QUANTiNO was the first road-approved electric sports car to feature a 48 V low-voltage electric drive system with a multiphase motor and a nanoFlowcell® energy source. We could not simply knock on a supplier’s door and say “we’d like …” Instead, we had to develop the complete low-voltage motor technology ourselves. This included the power electronics and its integration into the VCU. In addition, we also programmed the VCU ourselves.
Coming back to the question: No, we did not set out to become a vehicle developer. Nevertheless, we are now capable of building the most advanced electric vehicles. However, we are an R&D company and we will focus on advancing our nanoFlowcell® flow cell technology along with its applications. When the time comes, we will license our EV expertise.
Licensing is the perfect keyword: If you have completed the development of the QUANTiNO twentyfive, why do you not simply start planning the series production or licensing the technology?
In truth, this would be the next logical step. The QUANTiNO twentyfive is ready for series production. But we have not yet finished developing the electrolyte fuel. Currently, we can produce several thousand litres under laboratory conditions. This is sufficient for a small fleet but not for a nationwide supply. We have already defined plans to construct a bi-ION® electrolyte fuel production facility capable of delivering millions of litres per day.
However, constructing a production facility like this takes time. Anyone who has ever built a house and had to deal with construction planning, land use plans, planning permissions and permit procedures will be familiar with the administrative processes that come before the actual construction. You have to take this experience and scale it up to truly realise what it means to construct a 50-hectare complex like QUANT City along with the bi-ION® production.
You have said that nanoFlowcell Holdings will turn a profit in the year that production of bi-ION® starts. This is an ambitious statement, given the situation in the automotive industry and the unprofitable electric car production. How do you intend to keep this promise?
Automotive applications only represent one aspect of the broad spectrum of uses for our nanoFlowcell® technology. We have numerous applications in the pipeline. However, large-scale bi-ION® production is a key factor in the introduction and rapid propagation of our nanoFlowcell® technology and its applications. Our entire licensing business with the nanoFlowcell® is based around the unrestricted availability of bi-ION®.
This is why we do not currently intend to pursue small-scale production of a nanoFlowcell® powered electric vehicle. This would only enable others to begin reverse engineering our technologies before we have established the business foundation to commercialise our innovations. Our expertise in the mass production of our technologies gives us the necessary head start.
With the QUANTiNO twentyfive, we have achieved our ambitious goal of developing the best possible electric car. We want to understand how the demands of society and industry are developing and then provide the right solutions to these with our innovations. At the same time, we also want to build a profitable business. One capable of making a positive contribution in a radically changing world over the long term. Cars are not the focus of our ambitions.