The New Energy

Not just different, but unique

a revolutionary innovation!

At present, flow cells are generally only known as garage-sized constructions for stationary energy storage in wind turbines and solar power systems. But with nanoFlowcell®, we have brought a flow cell down to the size of a briefcase and, at the same time, increased the energy density of the electrolyte solution by a factor of ten. The development of nanoFlowcell® has thus rendered flow cell technology more powerful and mobile, opening up completely new opportunities for a wide range of applications.



Cutting-edge technology makes clean energy simple

nanoFlowcell® is a scalable energy converter whose membrane chamber contains two electrodes separated by an ion conductor. The ion conductor consists of a semi-permeable membrane wafer that only allows acertain type of ion in the bi-ION® molecule to pass through. This is where the ion exchange between the positively and negatively charged electrolyte liquid takes place.

The chemical energy of bi-ION® is converted into electrical energy, for example to drive an electric motor or supply energy to electrical consumers. The membrane material and design of the nanoFlowcell® make it suitable for applications ranging from milliwatt (mW) to megawatt (MW) and from compact to extremely powerful.

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bi-ION® – energy carrier for tomorrow’s electricity

bi-ION® is the brand name for nanoFlowcell’s proprietary electrolyte liquid. It consists of salts, water and the actual energy carriers – specially designed molecules. In a nanoFlowcell®, the chemical energy bound in bi-ION® is converted into electrical energy.

The bi-ION® electrolyte solution has a power density comparable to modern lithium-ion batteries but with an energy density that is five times higher. bi-ION® is the perfect energy solution for environmentally friendly and sustainable electric drives as well as for clean energy stationary and mobile applications.

The more you have, the further you go

The mathematics behind a nanoFlowcell®-powered vehicle are straightforward: The greater the quantity of bi-ION® onboard, the more energy is at your disposal, resulting in an extended range. This concept parallels our understanding of gasoline-powered vehicles. Unlike conventional batteries, the efficiency of a nanoFlowcell® doesn't rely on the size of the cell but rather on the concentration and volume of the electrolyte liquid it receives.

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Innovative charge carrier

bi-ION® stands as one of our most important innovations, playing a pivotal role in shaping the performance of the nanoFlowcell® system. After years of dedicated research, we've achieved a breakthrough by crafting specialized charge carriers that give our electrolyte liquid superior power and energy density compared to any liquid battery presently accessible in the market.

Within our cutting-edge digital simulation laboratory, we have explored novel molecular structures and charge transport mechanisms. Leveraging our advanced digital simulation capabilities, we dramatically accelerated the development process of bi-ION®. This acceleration enabled us to develop a physical test model and commence in-vivo testing within a mere five-year timeframe.


The charge carrier we've pioneered enables a significantly higher concentration compared to prior electrolytes in conventional flow cells. While massive electrolyte tanks in stationary systems often span thousands of liters, our QUANTiNO 48VOLT achieves equivalent performance with a tank volume comparable to that of a standard car.

At the current stage of development, bi-ION® boasts an impressive energy density of 600 Wh per liter. Compared to the lithium-ion batteries commonly found in modern electric vehicles, a nanoFlowcell® running on bi-ION® delivers sufficient energy for five times the range of a conventional electric vehicle.

Politics-free energy

Unlike fossil fuels, which are primarily sourced and refined in a limited number of countries, the bi-ION® electrolyte solution has the potential to be manufactured locally almost anywhere globally, provided that the necessary production equipment is available.

From water treatment to clean energy

The water purification process is an important preliminary stage in the production of our bi-ION® electrolyte solution.

  • Our water treatment system can handle seawater as well as wastewater with the highest pollution levels - from abundant seawater to urban wastewater generated by household, industrial, and rainwater outflow.

  • Using specialized processes, the water is filtered and demineralized. A major advantage of our purification process from an economic standpoint is its simplicity and relatively low energy consumption.

  • Once the water is purified and meets our bi-ION® production quality standards, we add metallic and non-metallic salt compositions in a precisely calculated ratio. We then enrich the solution with our specially designed energy carrier, the bi-ION® molecule.

  • Our unique aqueous salt solution ensures that bi-ION® is easy to transport, pumpable and functional under extreme temperature conditions.

In a complex production process, we are able to turn seawater into a powerful electrolyte that delivers clean and sustainable energy.
Sea water waves

Innovative energy

nanoFlowcell® is currently the most innovative and powerful energy product for mobile and stationary electric applications. Unlike conventional batteries, the energy of the nanoFlowcell® is delivered in the form of liquid electrolytes, which can be stored outside the cell. As with traditional flow batteries, the positively and negatively charged electrolyte liquids are stored in two separate tanks and pumped through a transducer (the actual cell of the nanoFlowcell®system) in separate circuits, just like in a traditional flow cell.

Here, the two electrolyte circuits are separated by a permeable membrane. When the positive and negative electrolyte solutions pass along either side of the transducer membrane, an ion exchange takes place. This converts the chemical energy bound in our proprietary bi-ION® solution into electricity, which in turn is made immediately available to electrical consumers.

Scalable energy

Flow cells differ from traditional battery types thanks to the separation of the energy converter and energy storage. Because of that, the amount of energy stored in a nanoFlowcell® is no longer dependent on the size of the cell.

With a nanoFlowcell®, the amount of energy provided depends on the electrolyte concentration in the electrolyte liquid on the one hand, and as well as on the volume of the electrolyte tanks on the other hand. nanoFlowcell® technology can therefore be flexibly adapted to a wide variety of applications thanks to its unlimited scalability.

Refill rather than recharge

What is unique about the nanoFlowcell® is that it no longer requires lengthy recharging like conventional batteries or flow cells. Instead, the used bi-ION® electrolyte fluid can simply be refilled.

Our nanoFlowcell® technology could save an annual 19,250 megatons of CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels in road transport alone.
That is 75% of the CO2 emissions generated through transportation and traffic worldwide.

Eco-filtration for QUANT EVs

In mobile applications, such as QUANT electric vehicles, the electrolyte fluid undergoes an initial filtration process to extract dissolved salts and electrolytes. This filter replacement occurs approximately every 10,000 kilometers and facilitates environmentally conscious recycling.

Water vapor release and electrolyte refill

A motion-powered generator efficiently atomizes residual water into harmless vapor during the journey, making emissions environmentally friendly and safe. Meanwhile, electrolyte tanks are emptied much like those in conventional combustion engine vehicles, and refilling them mirrors the familiar process of refueling a standard gasoline or diesel vehicle.

Eco-friendly energy

nanoFlowcell® technology stands as an exemplar of environmental friendliness, assuring safety for health. The production of our nanoFlowcells exemplifies efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental consciousness, utilizing readily abundant and commonplace substances and raw materials.

The flow cells and the bi-ION® electrolyte solution work without the need for precious or rare earth metals. All the essential raw materials for nanoFlowcell® and its electrolytes can be sourced sustainably, used without posing any health hazards, and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.

Durable and recyclable

Thanks to its extended service life, the nanoFlowcell® also sets an example when it comes to recycling raw materials. For instance, our nanoFlowcells eliminate the problem of power loss associated with conventional batteries, as they show no memory effect even after 10,000 charging cycles. This means that a nanoFlowcell® can handle up to ten times as many charging cycles as conventional lithium ion battery systems (Li-Ion batteries have approx. 1,000 charging cycles). In a car, the nanoFlowcell® would correspond to a range of around 10,000,000 kilometers, far exceeding the service life of modern cars. Moreover, the amount of self-discharge when the cell is not in use is negligible.

nanoFlowcell - QUANT 48VOLT

Safety guaranteed

Another advantage of the nanoFlowcell® over other battery systems is that it is easy to monitor its state of charge, as there is only one electrolyte. No equalization charges are needed like in conventional lithium ion or lithium polymer systems. Hazards that can occur in a battery due to unwanted reactions or deep discharge can be technically ruled out with the nanoFlowcell®.


In contrast to an internal combustion engine, the efficiency of the nanoFlowcell® stands at over 90 percent; in electric vehicle applications, the operating temperature is only between 194°F (90ºC) and 266°F (130ºC). Moreover, the entire nanoFlowcell® system is very reliable and requires little maintenance, as it has no moving parts except for the electrolyte pumps.

nanoFlowcell - QUANT 48VOLTnanoFlowcell - QUANT 48VOLTnanoFlowcell - QUANT 48VOLT
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Safe, Sustainable, and Cost-Effective

Diverging from conventional energy carriers like gasoline, diesel, hydrogen, and lithium-ion batteries, bi-ION® stands out by being inherently safe and entirely non-toxic to human health and the environment while also being noncombustible.

Moreover, the production of bi-ION® can be executed sustainably, in harmony with the environment. And it is cost-effective. The industrial production of its electrolyte liquid proves significantly more economical than the processes involved in refining fossil fuels or manufacturing and utilizing lithium-ion batteries.

A familiar way to refill your tank

Refueling nanoFlowcell®-powered electric vehicles with bi-ION® is remarkably straightforward. The process of replenishing the electrolyte liquid closely resembles refueling a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle, with the distinction that nanoFlowcell® vehicles require the simultaneous filling of two separate tanks — one each for the positive and negative electrolyte solutions.

Plus, there's no need to establish a dedicated filling station network for bi-ION® distribution. Only minimal modifications to the pumps and nozzles are required, allowing existing filling stations to accommodate bi-ION® electrolyte liquids seamlessly. In stark contrast to fossil fuels, bi-ION® electrolyte liquid’s unique characteristics don’t fall under hazardous materials regulations. As a result, the production, transportation, and distribution of bi-ION® pose no significant regulatory challenges.

Refilling nanoFlowcell-powered electric vehicles with bi-ION®

Refueling process for a QUANT 48VOLT

The refueling time for a QUANT 48VOLT is comparable to filling a gas tank, so you won't be waiting around for long. Plus, with bi-ION® being non-hazardous, the entire process is safe and clean.