nanoFlowcell Holdings plc establishes subsidiary in USA

Press Release

nanoFlowcell Holdings plc establishes subsidiary in USA

  • Establishment of nanoFlowcell USA LLC in New York, NY, USA
  • NFC sets stage for rapid business growth and sees high potential for clean and safe flow cell energy in the US market
  • NFC underscores leadership of its flow cell technology in achieving sustainable economic development goals

Zurich, Dec. 15, 2022 -- London-based nanoFlowcell Holdings plc (NFC) today announced the formation of its U.S. subsidiary nanoFlowcell USA LLC which will be headquartered in New York, NY and will commence business activities immediately. The tasks of the US branch of the Swiss-originating research and development company are the adaptation of the nanoFlowcell® flow cell technology to US-specific applications as well as the development of new market-specific nanoFlowcell® applications.

Important projects of nanoFlowcell USA are the localization of the project plans for the series production of the QUANT E-models as well as the construction of a large-scale bi-ION® production facility, providing transportable renewable energy for fuelling nanoFlowcell® applications.

The bi-ION® electrolyte solution is a high-density energy carrier with which NFC has succeeded in making renewable energies storable and transportable in large quantities and is thus the key to the successful decarbonization of the economy. The goal of NFC is to produce the energy carrier bi-ION® from 100 percent renewable energy.

The nanoFlowcell® flow cell technology is a central building block for decarbonizing the global economy; in the discussion on sustainable economic growth and climate protection, nanoFlowcell® flow cell technology is moving into the focus of a climate-neutral energy supply. Flow cell energy technology is an important solution to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions as laid out in the Paris Agreement. The reasons are obvious: it is a safe and clean energy which is the enabler for many energy-intensive processes and transportation services.

"Our nanoFlowcell® flow cell and bi-ION® energy carrier are key technologies for a successful energy transition," says Nunzio La Vecchia, CEO and CTO of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc. "We need to make energy from renewable energy safe, storable and transportable to drive environmentally sustainable economic growth. This requires a well-thought-out strategy and the development of the appropriate infrastructure. With the establishment of nanoFlowcell USA, we are reaching an important milestone in this regard for our future corporate development."

For the green energy carrier bi-ION®, production costs are directly linked to the cost of electricity from renewable sources. With the accelerated expansion of renewable energy under the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S., NFC expects the cost of electricity from solar power to be relatively low in the future, which will further strengthen the competitiveness of energy sources such as bi-ION®.

"With the Inflation Reduction Act, the U.S. has made the largest investment in clean energy in U.S. history, and the potential implications for renewable energy are far-reaching." But La Vecchia points out: "We will not seek government investments for nanoFlowcell USA to expand our manufacturing facilities and infrastructure in the United States; where appropriate, we will enter into strategic partnerships to build and expand manufacturing and infrastructure, and to integrate nanoFlowcell® technologies into all sectors of the economy."

He adds, "More importantly, with nanoFlowcell USA, we want to help accelerate the decarbonization of the global economy and create economic, social and ecological prosperity. After all, estimates suggest that the clean energy sector will create 500,000 additional jobs - we want to do our part to make this happen."

nanoFlowcell Holdings plc

<p id="pr-about" class="text-size-small">London-based nanoFlowcell Holdings plc is an innovative research and development company in the field of energy technology and AI applications, with subsidiaries in Switzerland, the USA and Germany.</p>

<p class="text-size-small">nanoFlowcell® is the product brand of nanoFlowcell Holdings plc, representing their proprietary flow cell-based energy technology. Unlike conventional batteries, the nanoFlowcell® flow cell is not recharged at electric charging stations; instead, it is refueled with bi-ION®, a specially designed electrolyte fluid that is toxicologically safe, non-flammable, and environmentally producible. Similar to fuel tanks in combustion engines, the energy capacity of a nanoFlowcell® system is scalable, depending on the size of the bi-ION® tank, which determines the amount of energy available for use.</p>

<p class="text-size-small">Under the QUANT brand, nanoFlowcell Holdings plc develops mobile and stationary applications powered by nanoFlowcell® technology. The company showcased the potential of this technology with the QUANTiNO twentyfive, a road-legal electric sports car featuring a 48VOLT low-voltage nanoFlowcell® powertrain. It offers a driving range of up to 2,000 kilometers on electric power without batteries. QUANT powered by nanoFlowcell® represents sustainable, eco-friendly electromobility without compromising performance, safety, or comfort.</p>

<p class="text-size-small">The term n-AI (nanoFlowcell Artificial Intelligence) refers to NFC's expertise in digital research tools and AI-driven technologies and applications.</p>

<p class="text-size-small">For more information on nanoFlowcell Holding plc, nanoFlowcell® technologies, QUANT technology vehicles, and n-AI innovations, please visit</p>

nanoFlowcell Holdings plc establishes subsidiary in USA
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